What Is Project Loan

These are most commonly known as non-recourse loans, which are secured by the project assets and paid entirely from project cash flow, rather than from the general assets or creditworthiness of the project sponsors, a decision in part supported by financial modeling. The financing is typically secured by all of the project assets, including the revenue-producing contracts. Project lenders are given a lien on all of these assets and are able to assume control of a project if the project company has difficulties complying with the loan terms.

Generally, a special purpose entity is created for each project, thereby shielding other assets owned by a project sponsor from the detrimental effects of a project failure. As a special purpose entity, the company has no assets other than the project. Capital contribution commitments by the owners of the project company are sometimes necessary to ensure that the project is financially sound or to assure the lenders of the sponsors' commitment. Project finance is often more complicated than alternative financing methods.

The loan is sanctioned depending on the reliable credit source, nature of the industry and credibility in the market. We save you from trouble by offering you doorstep services. Documentation process may differ depending on different banks. Projects take time to come in progress. Therefore the process can be time taking but we save you from the hurdles and give you satisfactory services. So don't compromise with your dreams when you have the best and trustworthy option available to you. Mangalam Finance is there to assist you in your dreams. So go ahead and provide your relevant information, so that you can come in contact with the Mangalam Finance team.

List of documents:

Documents required for processing the loan applications for project loan Kyc documents-

  • id proof:- Copy of, passport / pan card / voter id card / driving license/ ration card / adhaar card
  • address proof :- Copy of , passport/utility bill/voter id card / driving license/ ration card / adhaar card
  • age proof :- Copy of, passport/ pan card/driving license/birth certificate/ration card
  • signature proof :- Copy of, pan card/bank authorized letter
  • Financials documents-
  • 4 photograph for applicant & co-applicant
  • company profile (history, background & growth) + director / partner / proprietor (background, Experience)
  • latest list of director & shareholding pattern on letter head attested by ca
  • net worth statement of all director attested by ca
  • latest sale tax/service tax/ vat/cst/certificate of registration
  • copy of moa/aoa/partnership deed (as applicable)
  • copy of latest vat of till date for latest financial year
  • copy of provisional balance sheet and profit & loss a/c
  • last 3 year, itr + computation of income + auditor’s report +profit & loss+ balance sheet with complete schedule
  • last 6 month bank statement of all running bank accounts of company
  • last 6 month bank statement of all running bank accounts of director / partner / proprietor.
  • Property documents-
  • copy of property paper with complete back chain
  • copy of sanction plan
  • copy of latest house tax receipt
  • Additional documents-
  • copy of sanction letter & amortization schedule of all running loan.
  • latest statement of account of all running loan
  • copy of loan closure letter / noc, if any loan closed in last 6 month.
  • copy of detailed project report
  • copy of work order in hand
  • The Process of Project Finance is a complex one considered to make investments. The process requires a complete knowledge of economics and capital market requirements. It is a long-term project which has to undergo a certain criteria and takes a lot of time to come into process. Before making any investments in this process it is recommended to make a detailed research on the demands of energy buyers. The Process of Project Finance is a challengeable process but surely is one of the most substantial one.